Since i'm not feeling so mysterious anymore, and i upset certain important people...
That night i cut my finger, like skinned off part of the knuckle on my laptop, so i went to stop the bleeding with a styptic pencil, and it hurt, but i remembered the lesson we used to do in Kung Fu, where we would sit in an uncomfortable position and just see the pain as another sensation, so i just sat down and watched Spirited Away with the cut still covered in styptic water. The other i'm not telling except Smurfie if she asks. Smurf, since you got left out last time, here's something for you; Dana found this a while ago, and i just found it again tonight:

i love you, Sierra. A lot a lot.
Thank you for my message, even when you're having a bad day, you always try to make me smile...


P.S. If you haven't seen Spirited Away, you are not allowed to speak to me until you appologize. Go see it, it cannot be reasoned with. That movie is so good, i BOUGHT my mom a DVD player so she could watch it.
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