Because i'm a sucker for quizy-things...

What NERV Child Are You?

Who's Your Anime Girlfriend?

ParkDay roxxored. It beat ass. Lots.
Smurfie and i played some! She's getting faster!
Still has to watch for that ice tho... :D
As for the heathens Gr, Neko and Bwian...
You will be dealt with most severely.
Teach you to go play 'House with Knives'
when we invite you to ParkDay...
So there's an Asian Food Market near my house...
who knew?
i love Smurfie so much, i know i say that a lot,
but it really is true. How many couples can say that
they can have a fistfight for almost an hour, then
kiss and help each other clean up out of a drinking
fountain? i'm not betting a lot can.
Today was so nice, it's so wonderful to see her
so happy, and to just be there with her,
and not another care in the world.
Days like this go far too fast.

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