

Dear Diary,

Today i made people unhappy.

Around 3:30, i made Sierra unhappy, because i implied that despite how hard i'd worked, and how much i'd done to arrange this weekend, it was not going to happend because she did not do everything in her power to make it so. i further hurt her by implying that her reason for this was that it was was not important enough for her to overcome the difficulties involved. Once i realized that i was making her much more unhappy than she was when she called, i tried to disengage, to avoid further ruining what might have been otherwise a day she wouldn't have hated living. Because i'm a jackass and insensitive, she interpreted this as my way of telling her that she was making me unhappy, and that she should let me go do something else. Also see below.
Go me. i suck again for ten thousand points.

Aroung 8:45, i made my mother unhappy by expressing my disinterest in my english class, and by revealing my intentions toward dropping it, so as not to waste my time with it. The usual pit of bitterness and angst ensued. As a result, i cut myself, again hurting Sierra, since i promised her i'd stop. Minus another ten thousand.


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