China's rad, kids.

Here's the gift update so far:
Cody, Drake, Chadrienne and John: i've pilfered a small part of the Han Dynasty Great Wall for you. Pray i can smuggle them through customs.
Smurfie: i've stolen chopsticks, as requested, and also got you a jade bracelet.
Lenny: Since you always remember me well at present time, i bought you a terra-cotta soldier. i shit you not; in communist countries, EVERYTHING's for sale, and every price is negotiable. Besides, they've got thousands of the damn things.
Brian: i couldn't find anyone to man the sales desk on our departure, but on our return i'm going to try and get you this amazing red butane lighter with a color pictue of Mao on it, as you're our resident Communo-scholar.
Carolyn: i'm working on it. Tonight and tomorrow are Night Market in Dunhuang, so expect either Jade or Silk.

Everything's looking good, we start out into the desert day after tomorrow.

Smurfie, i love you and miss you like an itch i can't scratch. You're always in my thoughts. When we go east, how about if we go to Japan, rather than China? For one thing, we don't know the language here, and the parts that aren't 3rd world still are trapped in the sixties. (Yes Lenny, i was pissed too when i realized it. We in the States DO live in the future.)

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