So. Four more years.
i hope i'm not the only American who feels like apologizing to all his foreign friends.
Like "i'm sorry! i feel so guilty about what you have/are going to have to put up with! i voted for the other guy! i'm sorry! i really tried! Please don't be disappointed in me!"
Yes, i know, he was elected by more than half of my country.
Raising the question: How long can we maintain an ever widening gap between two seemingly irreconcilable halves of this country?
Well, all i can do is take it as well as i can, and let him have a chance to do the best that he can with the next term. That's all anyone can ever ask of anyone, after all.
Cheers, and I'm getting a passport ready to for when something goes really wrong.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
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Quack Quack Emu Sound