So i didn't post last night...
Because i collaped in bed...
Work was hard, and Julie was manager for closing. i was warned by Jon that Julie never closes on time, and she always makes people stay after if it's late.
i was NOT prepared to spend an hour and a half over, however...
i mean, i KNOW the store is CAPABLE of closing on time; we did it on Saturday!
But Julie let everyone go early but Jon and i, and expected it to get done in like an hour...
And of course, she blamed Adriana, who took the day sick (Even though she was allegedly faking it).
And to top that all off, Julie clocked me out some time before i left...
that sounded kinda shady to me... i'm going to talk to Adrian and make sure i got paid for that hour and a half, because in this country, there's a word for having people work for no money...
[Spooky Founding Fathers' Voice] "Shame on you, Miss Kale!!" [/Spooky Founding Fathers' Voice]
Then when i got home my mom was mad because i was late and "i didn't have the common courtesy to call" Well, i can't be seen using my phone at work, and i already took my break... And she got all bent out of shape when i suggested that she could always have called the store...
So i spent all night on my bathroom floor. ("You're just going to lock yourself in there?!" "Yes." "I can't believe you're treating me like this! I hope you're proud of how you're treating someone!!")
Then today...
Lotsa Smurfie calls!! i love my Smurfie calls!!
My throat is still sore, which sucked for my monologue and for my speech. :-/
All in all, an okay day.
For a monday.'