Mood: Big :D !!
~Smiles~ i have a girlfriend who calls back to say good bye.
She is so good for me.
In other news:
Carolyn's mad at me, if she actually gets mad that is; and she's called down the wrath of the two mods.
Apparently questioning a single baseless action that the ST refuses to justify qualifies a convening of the Round Table and whatnot.
Oh well. i think i probably just really won't go back this time.
i know i've said that before, but it's just that now, there's nobody there who would even miss me any more.
So screw it; it just sucks lately anyway.
i think i'd rather dream of Sierra anyways.
Maybe if i start working at it, i can get over this insomnia thing, and then i won't be such a shit to everyone.
Other items; Ben's party went off smashingly, as far as i heard. We watched Harold and Maude, which remains one of my favorite cult movies ever...
i visited Lenny at work too, which was pretty cool; i wish i had his job. :-/
Sweetest deal of all: i made it in for the trip to Rome!! So from Jun 29 to Jul 12, i'm going to be studying ancient texts on herbology from the beginning of the common era, in an ancient library in Rome!! Those interested in further information:
How rockin is THIS shit!?
Yep, that about does it.