This might have to be the best thing ever.
i have patented all of my friends, with the help of The Surrealist*.
Princess Smurfie is a teddybear that plays the theme from Steptoe and Son! It can be used by the whole family and increases your sex appeal.
Lenny is a fizzy drink that sorts your mail, can disable electrical hardware and hovers three feet from the ground.
Cody is a letter-opener that comes in seven different colours, pushes things down staircases and can extinguish fires.
Dana is a fishpond that sings comical songs! It contains alcohol.
Brian is a rubber fish! It recharges itself at night!
Spunky is a hi-fi that hums incessantly! It speaks with the voice of James Earl Jones.
Nick is a vacuum cleaner that spins about its axis! It folds out into a tent.
Dali is a sticky label that's built and maintained by tiny nano-robots and comes with a variety of coloured fascias.
Ostermiller is a hole-punch that can be used to deter muggers and plays light music.
David (All of them) is a fridge magnet! It looks bigger than it really is!
*i submitted absolutely no original ideas, all ideas came from The Surrealist's random product generator. After generating brilliant ideas for products, i shamelessly stole them and replaced the product's name with one of my friends' or relatives'.
Okay, here we go!
Fourth-Grade-Journal style!
Today i am very proud, because i made a decision without thinking about it too much
and without trying to talk myself out of it because it might sounds silly to people who
think they know better than me, or think they're wise enough to judge others. i'm also
very happy, partly because i'm proud, partly because my decision made me so happy,
and partly because i'm not the only one who benefited.
i've made someone else's day happier as well as my own, and i'm happy and proud
because of it.
P.S. Went to Homecoming with Smurfie too, thank you for a wonderful evening, Smurfie! Hugs for you!!