i'm scared.
i'm having these dreams, and it's getting to where i can't tell them from reality.
They're just these harmless, stupid dreams, but they're so real, it's like i'm awake
and every once in a while, i'll say something totally in context to me, and everyone else
will just be like "What? What are you talking about?"
Tonight i woke up from one about going downstairs and eating, then writing more in the story.
When i woke up, i got online, and started talking to people about how real it had seemed,
and just when i thought it was going to be okay i woke up from that one too.
The story is just how it was before i went to bed.
Nobody remembers my conversations but me.
But that's just it.
They were real, meaningful conversations.
And now i have to deal with the idea that i just invented them.
Both sides of them.
What am i running away from?
That's what this is feeling like, like i can't stop running.
But i don't know what it is.
i just hope this is here tomorrow.