Because i'm a sucker for quizy-things...
What NERV Child Are You?
Who's Your Anime Girlfriend?
ParkDay roxxored. It beat ass. Lots.
Smurfie and i played some! She's getting faster!
Still has to watch for that ice tho... :D
As for the heathens Gr, Neko and Bwian...
You will be dealt with most severely.
Teach you to go play 'House with Knives'
when we invite you to ParkDay...
So there's an Asian Food Market near my house...
who knew?
i love Smurfie so much, i know i say that a lot,
but it really is true. How many couples can say that
they can have a fistfight for almost an hour, then
kiss and help each other clean up out of a drinking
fountain? i'm not betting a lot can.
Today was so nice, it's so wonderful to see her
so happy, and to just be there with her,
and not another care in the world.
Days like this go far too fast.
You're A Villian! You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you.
Your destiny is world destruction/domination.
Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of your way.
((That's why i always start my evil plan twenty minutes earlier than i brag that i'm going to before they escape.
They HATE that...))
Nice day today...
Work roxxored, i was racking from like 1 to 4 then went home.
Mom's been painting the middle room; it looks great now,
went to True Love with Scotty, played a game of risk with him and a friend of his
i won. Because i ALWAYS win at risk...
Hehehe, i'm gonna be such a good lil' Hegemon...
PARKDAY TOMORROW!! i'm stoked!!
Much love from the outlaw,
Holy wow, batman.
My girl makes some good noodles, in more ways than one! ;)
Wait, that makes no sense. Okay; she makes very good noodles, and she does things
with her hips that do incredible things to my brains and make me buy sushi for my friends after.
In short, readers, we've hit Bill Powers' Creme Brulee' good.
Ferarri-Good is well within reach.
In other news, i love her a whole lot. Wait, that's not other news.
That's not even news at all! What's wrong with me?
In other news, she's my angel, and...
In other news, she...
okay, i'm a bit distracted.
Everyone's back from Con, and it sounds like that went very very well, even if Brian's waxing
a bit too righteous about the whole Bra thing, if you ask me. But i'll keep my opinion to myself,
as i told him tonight.
Otherwise, stuff is peachy; i go back to werk tomorrow, woo hoo!