

Dude, why is it that Liesel always finds the good quizy-thingies?
Anyways, thanks to her, i know that my cyborg is really hardcore...

Lifeform Intended for Assassination and Mathematics

That my Giant Robot is a Giant Death Bee (Like i always wanted... *sigh*)


is a Giant Bee that Glows in the Dark, is Wreathed with Flames, has a Massively Swollen Skull, spits Ice, and eats Trees.

Strength: 2 Agility: 6 Intelligence: 11

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat Cwruidth, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Cwruidth using

And i found an awesome generator for Random Goth Quotes!
A few of my favorites:

"It was then, staring into the seduction, that my bitter purpose was truly born."
--Crystalline Darkness, Darkness-enshrouded

"The agony in my visions mirrors the suffering of my cryptic desires."
--Hilda and Prudence Boynton, Master of the Pain-filled

"Why is my soul so crystalline with blood? And why do I no longer care?"
--Contessa Belinda Di Carciofi, Knowledge and Mind

"So cryptic,
Like the night.
So darkness-enshrouded,
Like the exquisite pain of my existence.
I am perfect."

And apparently they have an HTML enhanced one too:
A Quote

Totally. None of you understand the Darkness like i do.

Smurfie!! Hugs for you!!!! ^_^ v

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